May 9, 2015

Smiles Sent Saturday~May 9, 2015

Well, I haven't been posting much, in part, because I've been busy preparing to visit a lot of the people I normally only get to "send smiles" to!  But here's a few envelopes I've decorated lately.  I'm really enjoying using vintage stamps to get just the right one for the envelope!

This one is to go with a card with a squirrel on a similar tree.  

This card was red & yellow with sunflowers and lady bugs

A play on "April showers bring May Flowers"

 This was a car birthday card with circles.

The name “Smiles Sent Saturday” denotes my hope these things I mailed made the people who got them smile.


  1. I've always wondered about vintage stamps. Do you just get them at the post office? Sorry if this is a stupid question.

    1. I need to do a post on this-I've been getting them on Ebay. I've bought sheets of individual ones and also random lots-it often ends up cheaper then new-plus a bigger variety! The Post Office only sells current ones, but stamps are always good, just like currency.


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